Та ямар тогтмол гүйдлийн хувиргагчийг ашиглаж байна вэ?
Та ямар тогтмол гүйдлийн хувиргагчийг ашиглаж байна вэ?

A power inverter or inverter is a type of converts DC to AC inverter. It converts DC цахилгаан хангамж from a battery to conventional AC power. Та үүнийг янз бүрийн төхөөрөмжийг тэжээхэд ашиглаж болно, including lights, богино долгионы, болон цахилгаан хэрэгсэл, as well as radios, radios, computers, and televisions. Connect the inverter and the AC device to the battery. That way, you'll have power whenever and wherever you need it.

Inverter features.

1.High efficiency and fast start.

  1. The inverter is safe and reliable, with overload, богино холбоос, overvoltage or undervoltage protection.
  2. Inverter has excellent physical properties. Use aluminum casing for heat dissipation. The surface of the inverter has been hard anodized. Тиймээс, the inverter is very resistant to friction.
  3. The inverter is highly adaptable and stable.

Inverter or classification

The type of inverter power supply can classify the inverter into coal power inverter or solar power inverter. Inverter can be classified into grid-connected inverter and independent control inverter according to its usage. Inverters can be classified into square wave inverters and pure sine wave inverters based on their output waveforms.

Sine wave converters produce sine wave AC power. It produces more power than the grid because there is no electromagnetic pollution.

Square wave inverter produces poor quality square wave AC power, which leads to unstable loads and inverters. The load capacity is 40-60% lower than the rated load capacity.

Pure sine wave converters can produce high quality AC power and drive many types of loads. The disadvantages are high price and difficult technical requirements to meet. Sine wave inverters can meet most of our power requirements. It is a popular product because of its high efficiency, low noise level and affordable price. Square wave inverters use simple multi-harmonic oscillators and this inverter type will gradually disappear.

Бвитт is the world's leading supplier of rack mount telecom inverters and factory of modular DC power rectifier systems. If you need to know about инвертерийн үнэ, call us!

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