Аккумулятор руу орж байгаа нарны хавтангаас үүссэн цахилгааныг удирдахад ашигладаг төхөөрөмж.
Хэрэв та батерейг ашиглан цахилгаанаас гадуур нарны систем суурилуулахаар төлөвлөж байгаа бол, you will need a solar charging controller. It is a device placed between solar panels and battery packs, used to control the electrical energy generated by solar panels entering the battery. The main function is to ensure correct charging of the battery and prevent overcharging.
As the input voltage from the solar panel increases, the charging controller will adjust the charging of the battery to prevent any overcharging and disconnect the load when the battery is discharged.
Types of solar controllers